
Friday 14 October 2016

The Haunted house 14/10/16

The haunted house

Staring out of the window terrified with fear, as the haunted house across the street was being swept up off the floor and was carried up in the air with four ropes tied around it. It was 5 O’clock in the morning, and it was raining cats and dogs. I felt sluggish and I didn’t want to move from where I was sitting. I was staring at the house being moved and demolished because it was there for probably 75 or 74 years and noone has ever wanted to move into that house.

It was 8 O’clock in the morning and the house was still high up in the air moving side to side because the strong wind. The wind was howling louder and louder like wolves on a full moon, the rain was pouring and was flooding this whole neighbourhood, and to make this day worse and more frightening the lightning struck, like a torch going on and off and the thunder rumbled like a giant man growling people.

I was sitting on the rocking chair in front of the window staring at the house being moved from its place. The second lighting struck and it was then when I saw the workers the were controlling the house running away from their position that they were at. The third lightning struck and standing at the windows of the terrifying haunted house was a little girl, I shut my curtains quickly and ran to my mum with such a shock and out of breathe.

Short out of breath, I stood in front of my mum explaining and telling her about what I saw, she slowly calmed me down with confusion and told me to inform her again. A few seconds later her daws were down with shockness. We rushed up the stairs and peeked out the window and suddenly gazed at the little girl, and unexpectedly she looked depressed and teardrops were running down her face, we were wondering why she was crying. At the house, we suddenly saw people gathering up and worried, we both knew what the problem was and decided to go and solve it so probably they won’t do anything to us.

Minutes went by and we were on our way out of the door dressed up in warm clothes and in a raincoat. We marched to the machine the was controlling the ropes that were lifting the house, but there was so many buttons in the corner of my eye i saw a big red button the had the word ‘’Land” I slowly pressed it and  finally it was making its land. We jumped with joy and pride. As the house was making its way down the family looked happy with relief. It was incredible.

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