
Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Tanes diary

Tane’s Diary

Day 1

I am at hawaii and today I packed up some fruits, water, some spheres and a bag pack to put the stuff into it. I strolled off to the waka with my ten best friends and they all were ready to go. Then my ten friends and I all said’’ goodbye to our wives then we all went off with a little bit of tear in their eye. They all went to the sea and saw the beautiful water and the nice baby blue sky view and then they all rowed away. And while I was rowing I kept on saying bye and waving.

Day 5

I kept rowing and rowing until I saw an island far down the ocean, so I rowed fast as I could and I kept on rowing, then finally I reached the island and I just noticed that Island was Samoa. I looked around Samoa then I meet some samoan people and their names were Telisa, Sina, Lanuola and julia. They went to their dad and said look these people are going to kill us, just because we had our spheres on our hands, the people were just staring at us scared and some people were just playing on our wakas. Their dad said leave our island! with such a loud voice, we got frightened then we just said sorry and run as fast as a cheater. We quickly got into our wakas with a shock, it was like we just killed someone and just went away. So we rowed away with a terrifying face and with the huge big red googly eyes.

Day 7

I still rowed and rowed then I reached another island and that was cook island. When i got to Cook island I meet some people and their names were Tui and Maia. They took us for a look around cook island. We went past a lot of people, and there were a lot of people in the beach. We went to a place with a lot of food and there was a man standing behind a table and that place was a shop. There was heaps of food and their was a person stand at the counter, and that was a shop. We bought something to eat . It was delicious.  We went back to the wakas, and it was time to say goodbye to them. We went into our wakas and we all said goodbye to Tui and Maia and they said bye back to us and they said they hope we don't get into any trouble in the water or in a storm.

Day 12

We rowed in the nice ocean with the nice cold breeze flowing to us and last of all the sun shining on our faces with the water splashing around. Out of nowhere there was a big ship beeping the horn and when it went away I saw a nice green beautiful Island and It was so big, with tall buildings, houses and shops, there were cars and trucks just parked and some were on the road with buses with a lot of people inside, and some just walking on the foot path. I tried to go faster but the wind blew harder, I tried my hardest to push but I couldn't so I just stopped. I was waiting for a while until the wind stopped, I fell asleep because I was bored. When I work up a few minutes later I just noticed that the wind had blew my waka all the way to the island. I knew what the island was called straight away, It was called New Zealand there were a lot of animals, people buildings, cars, trucks, buses and trains, straight away I met some people, they found me a home to live in and they gave me all the directions to all the place’s. A few months and years later I decided to go back to hawaii and go back to my wife, so I said bye to everyone that I knew and went off with a smile.

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