
Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Geometry for Term 4

Maths for Term 4

We are learning about Geometry.

In the past few weeks of Term 4, Room 12 have been learning about Geometry. What is Geometry? Geometry is Shapes, there are different types of shapes like, Triangle, Cylinder, Square and rectangle. There are other names for some shapes, they're called'', 2D shapes and 3D shapes, 2D means 2 Dimensional and 3D means, 3 Dimensional.  There are lots of different types of shapes with different numbers of sides, corners and edges.

What is a 2D shape?
2D shapes are shapes that are flat, and you cannot see the full shape only the front.

What is a 3D shape?
3D shapes are shapes that you can see the whole shape, corners, sides and edges.

Here is a picture of a 2D shape
Image result for 2 d shapes

Here is a picture of a 3D shape 
Image result for 3 d shape

Here is a picture that I drew for Geometry.